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Ó¢Óï¶ù¸è Can you write this wordÊôÐÔ£º
¡¡¡¡Ãû³Æ£ºÓ¢Óï¶ù¸è Can you write this word
Ó¢Óï¶ù¸è Can you write this wordÌáʾ£º
¡¡¡¡Can you write this word? Can you write this word? Can you spell this word and then erase this work? Chalk!C-H-A-L-K! That`s right!That`s great! Can you write this word? Can you write this word? Can you spell this word and then erase this work? Eraser!E-R-A-S-E-R! That`s right!That`s great! Can y...